Sustainability is key in everything we do….
The restaurant is vegetable based, and ingredients are primarily harvested in our own garden and farm. Of course (!), no pesticides or similar techniques are used, and we avoid F1 hybrids so that only open pollinated plants are used in our garden. We strongly support organic and biodynamic farming – but we wish to go far beyond. We wish to turn around the ambition – to not just be satisfied with a minimal negative footprint, but instead strive for a positive footprint, e.g. by increasing biodiversity when growing food. We love to play with things and investigate what we can actually grow ourselves – reintroducing heirloom plants, cultivating wild plants you would not normally grow in a garden, and introducing new plants not normally seen in Denmark.
In the kitchen, we wish to show the true potential of nature in food. We are highly oriented towards the season and the current Moment – and we “prolong” seasons, preserving the abundance of nature when it’s there. This way, our food – as well as the entire atmosphere of the restaurant – changes with the season and weather – but is equally interesting and experimenting all year. We buy a few things that we cannot grow ourselves – e.g. oranges from Italy when they are in season, while those many things we can grow – e.g. apples – we would never import.
The building that houses Restaurant Moment is a demonstration building for various sustainable technologies – e.g. straw bale elements as walls, waster water recycling for growing, a smoke cleaner system for the mass oven, and several other ideas.
All elements of the interior are based on the same ideology – e.g. Danish Design chairs - locally made using local wood, and a plate series created for us without glazing so that they can be composted - just to mention two examples out of numerous.
Wines are natural wines, produced with organic or biodynamically grown grapes, spontaneously fermented, unmanipulated, and with zero or a minimum of sulfites. Another drinking menu contains home-made fermented drinks using various old fermentation cultures that produce less or no alcohol.
We try to think of as many sustainabile practices as possible – water from tables is used for watering the edible plants that are table decoration – and so is the condensated water from the cooling system of our walk-in refrigerator. We ferment food waste to compost and make our own soil. We collect rainwater from the building in a pond in the garden, which is home to several frogs and insects - increasing biodiversity and naturally fighting slugs. In our garden, we have bees to produce honey and pollen - and to help pollinate our plants. Our menus are printed on recycled paper. And the list of examples is so much longer...
Seen from the outside, we are a restaurant, serving food for foodies and all those interested in interesting flavours, relaxed, friendly and knowledgeable service in atmposhperic surroundings. Seen from the inside, we are more than a restaurant and more like a philosophy in action - working at several levels with many different methods and collaborating with partners who share our ideology. As a guest, you can be introduced to both “Behind the Scenes”.
We know that we are far from perfect. But we learn something new every day, and constantly update and change what we do – hoping to contribute just a little to create a more sustainable world.